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/ Terms of Services

Terms of Services

Terms As this web page runs through Api/ Mobile/ computer/ serve, some errors may occur temporarily or for a few days. QuickPayLanka.

Strict action will be taken against people who spread false documents about the organization and spread information of other groups on social networks, corporate groups and if they have invested money in the organization, 25% of the money will be withdrawn and those investors will be fined. The contract is canceled and the deposit is paid after 180 days. You are all investors in the company and we greatly appreciate your patience in both profit and loss situations. Remember that if you withdraw the deposit when the institution incurs a loss in any way, you will be subject to the above conditions. You should know that if you directly or indirectly influence or abuse the company or its officers, you will not get any return on your investment and all payments will be charged to you. You will get the money after 6 months after you prove your account is yours. (You are a valuable asset to the company and we do not want to spoil the relationship between you and the company, Keep the company's trust and engage in work.)